I've been working on a quilt for my sister lately, here is a sneak peek for what's to come! It's been taking longer than usual because I have attempted taking on the task of quilting it myself, with my not so free motion quilting friendly sewing machine... As you can imagine, it's all coming out pretty sketchy! Plus this is my first one that isn't just straight lines all the way through : )
Friday, June 8, 2012
I started this quilt in April for my grandma's 75th birthday, and since I am slow I had to send her pictures of squares as I finished them to keep her updated (her birthday was April 10, one day after mine). Sadly, almost a month later, she unexpectedly passed away. So I quickly got it together and finished it up for my grandpa who said he still wanted it. My grandma taught me to sew a very long time ago, so it was very special to us both. I'm only sorry now that I didn't finish it in time for her to see it.
Charley Harper Quilt Along
Friday, May 4, 2012
Ok, who hasn't heard of the Charley Harper Quilt Along? Sure it was started over a year ago, but I don't care! I'm really excited, I've been wanting to make something inspired by Charley Harper ever since I discovered him on Pinterest. Now is my chance, WOOHOO!
This is going to be great, my dilemma now is... which print should I try and recreate? I have one in mind I know I'm doing, but which others?
This is going to be great, my dilemma now is... which print should I try and recreate? I have one in mind I know I'm doing, but which others?
The polar bear will be perfect for my husband, he's always loved them, and if we really do move to Alaska next year, then it will feel right at home : ). It only involves 7 colors, and 80% of the whole picture is just solids anyway, so I'm going to take a whack at it!
I love otters, don't you?!
I WILL make the flamingo, that one might take some patience though!
Check out the flickr group that was created for this quilt along for more inspiration.
I'm visiting my in laws this weekend, but when I get back, I'm going to start the polar bear quilt for Max (he's my better half), it'll be quick and easy right? Let's hope so! I already have all of my fabric set aside for this, Moda Cross Weaves should do the trick, and my husband (he's so sweet) already printed out the polar bear template for me while he was at school, gotta love the Architecture department and their resources. Stay tuned for a post on making the quilt!
Typewriter Love!
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Finally it's finished! It's taken me many a night finishing this little gem, I just love it! I won't lie, the reason it's taken so long is because I kept getting distracted with other quilts or random projects. I'm crushing on an Amy Butler Weekender bag at the moment and I really want to make it, but I keep pushing it to the back of my mind...I think the monster needs to be released! I'll get some more pictures up ASATS (As soon as there's sun) it's hard to come by in Eugene in May.
There's a little bit of everything in this quilt, but the color inspiration is the Melody Miller Ruby Star Shining Typewriters.
As for the quilting, I just did random lines straight through the length of the quilt going all different directions, simplicity was the theme.
Shop Update
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Visit my shop for new listings, including Michael Miller Circus prints, and Cloud 9 Monsterz. I'll be adding fabric continuously for the next week or so, so if you want some great designer fabric, hop on over!
Here's a great inspirational photo for the Swoon quilt pattern by Thimble Blossoms. This was sewn by Ashley over at Film in the Fridge, using Flea Market Fancy. Click on the picture to see the original post.
I have recently started my own Swoon quilt for my grandma's birthday (Happy Birthday Grandma!) I'll post some pictures soon.
One thing I have learned is that I'm still not OCD enough, because my seams are NOT lining up : (. I'm sure with practice I'll have better luck! I have three of the nine blocks completed, so I'm anxious to finish, but good golly, these blocks take me forever! They are, in my defense, 24" square, so I guess they shouldn't be rushed, but I'll be puttering away on them all week long, I'm trying to finish it by this weekend so I can get it quilted and out in the mail by mid next week, after all her birthday was the 10th : )
Monsterz by Cloud 9, 100% Organic Cotton
One thing I have learned is that I'm still not OCD enough, because my seams are NOT lining up : (. I'm sure with practice I'll have better luck! I have three of the nine blocks completed, so I'm anxious to finish, but good golly, these blocks take me forever! They are, in my defense, 24" square, so I guess they shouldn't be rushed, but I'll be puttering away on them all week long, I'm trying to finish it by this weekend so I can get it quilted and out in the mail by mid next week, after all her birthday was the 10th : )
Saturday, April 21, 2012
I don't know where everyone else gets their inspiration, but I can tell you two places to check are pinterest and etsy. I can honestly say I have an addiction, look out world! So naturally I thought I would share a few pieces that I'm crushing on, that I think would be great to turn into some form of a quilt or another : ) Click on the picture to be taken to its source.
Here's a little state love...
This one hits home! I love you Oregon!
Don't you think any of these would make a great quilt?! It would definitely be my comfort quilt, since my husband and I will be moving soon to a new state.
How about these ones for some fun modern prints that could guide as inspiration for a quilt. Click on the picture to be taken to its source.
Designing a Quilt Back
Thursday, April 19, 2012
In case anyone is curious how, I'll take you through my process for designing a quilt back. It's super quick and easy, so don't stress out too much when planning it! My biggest problem is not finishing a quilt because it doesn't have a back yet, so it goes into the unfinished quilt pile...and believe me, that needs no reason to grow! Here are the three steps.
1. When you finish the front, take the overall outer measurements, and make a template.
1. When you finish the front, take the overall outer measurements, and make a template.
2. Play around with the layout for that backing, if you already have fabric you want to use, either just bought, or random sizes out of your stash, then it may be a little tougher, but still manageable. I make my blocks in the layout to be the finished size, so I add seam allowance as I cut, I also add a couple inches on the outer pieces that way I can have room to trim up the quilt after quilting.
3. Then cut and sew. Technically it's four steps if you want to be picky :)
Stay tuned for a picture of the back for the typewriter quilt later this week!
Works in the Making!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
I am the Queen of starting something, getting 90% of the way done, and then starting something new. That ends up leaving my current project in the backseat compared to whatever I'm currently playing with. Poor little quilts, they just want to be loved too, right? My husband Mr. Max gives me greif, because I can never finish anything...(in a timely matter) I hope that's not true! I'm looking to fill that "Finished Quilts" section super full this year!
This is a block for little boy quilt I'm making for a special little man. The top is actually finished, I'll get more pictures up soon : )
This quilt was made using Tula Pinks Parisville line.
This is a block for little boy quilt I'm making for a special little man. The top is actually finished, I'll get more pictures up soon : )
This quilt was made using Tula Pinks Parisville line.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Hi there! Welcome to The Cotton Salon : ) This blog is dedicated to the wonders that are "modern quilting," if it's your thing, I think we'll get along just fine!
First up, our etsy shop is live, so hop on over and take a look, I'll be adding things all the time.
This is my patchwork version of a quilt inspired by Ashley over at Film in the Fridge, I'm anxious to finish the back so I can wrap myself up in it on these unnecessarily frigid nights, and of course, get some better pictures!!
First up, our etsy shop is live, so hop on over and take a look, I'll be adding things all the time.
This is my patchwork version of a quilt inspired by Ashley over at Film in the Fridge, I'm anxious to finish the back so I can wrap myself up in it on these unnecessarily frigid nights, and of course, get some better pictures!!
Melody Miller ,
Patchwork ,
Quilt Tops

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