Designing a Quilt Back

Thursday, April 19, 2012

In case anyone is curious how, I'll take you through my process for designing a quilt back.  It's super quick and easy, so don't stress out too much when planning it!  My biggest problem is not finishing a quilt because it doesn't have a back yet, so it goes into the unfinished quilt pile...and believe me, that needs no reason to grow!  Here are the three steps.

1.   When you finish the front, take the overall outer measurements, and make a template.

2.  Play around with the layout for that backing, if you already have fabric you want to use, either just bought, or random sizes out of your stash, then it may be a little tougher, but still manageable.  I make my blocks in the layout to be the finished size, so I add seam allowance as I cut, I also add a couple inches on the outer pieces that way I can have room to trim up the quilt after quilting.

3.  Then cut and sew.  Technically it's four steps if you want to be picky :)

Stay tuned for a picture of the back for the typewriter quilt later this week!


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